Eric Van Gorden
Development Director
ericvangorden@tcafranklin.orgWelcome from the Development Director!
Christian schools usually need to raise a significant amount of funds to grow, be successful, and compete in the world of government-funded education, and Trinitas Classical Academy is no different. As an intentionally small, intimate, and connected community, it can be difficult to maintain a quality education at an affordable price, and TCA is committed to both! In middle Tennessee, it can cost less to buy a brand-new car than to send your children to a high academic and Bible-believing school. This expense often puts an excellent Christian education out of reach for many families. The large majority of TCA’s fundraising goes to assist families who desire to give their children an education that both develops a close relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and enables them to properly use the creation that God the Father has called us to take dominion over.
Our board of directors, administrators, and teachers work together to give our community an amazing classical and Christian school, and I believe there is no better place to invest in the future education of our youth than at TCA. Make no mistake – we are in the midst of a very difficult and extremely serious culture war. Teaching students to know, understand, make wise application, and just think clearly in a wide array of academic studies will better enable them to love the Lord their God with all their heart, mind, and soul, and to love their neighbor as themselves. This ministry offers a huge return on investing in truly prosperous generations to come not only spiritually but corporately and socially as well. I am really excited to be included in this new endeavor for our school. It has been a wonderful blessing for me to be a part of this ministry for over 25 years, even before it became TCA, and I am excited to be serving as the Development Director for Trinitas Classical Academy.
Eric Van Gorden
Development Director