History Week – A Teacher’s Perspective
Tomorrow I will walk into an Egyptian Temple, guarded by the ancient gods, Thoth and Anubis. I will cross the longest river in the world, the Nile and enter the tomb of Pharaoh Queen Bee. We will feast on Egyptian delicacies and dress in ancient Egyptian clothing. We will spend the week immersed in ancient Egyptian culture, architecture and daily life. We will experience ancient Egyptian life.
As a Classical Christian School, we emphasize the liberal arts which is founded in Western Civilization. We live in a culture that has been fashioned by the events of the past. We share a faith that is based on, “This God, the triune God of Scripture who has made Himself known in the person of Jesus Christ, (who) is the God of human history.” (Repairing the Ruins, p. 155) We celebrate and revel in that history that has formed us.
As a school, we have chosen to dedicate one week of our precious, limited time focusing on the past that has shaped us. Although our methodology already emphasizes an integration of subjects, we place History at the core of our focus during this week. The Upper School will lead the younger students in our pursuit (which provides them an opportunity to practice leadership skills). The younger students will have an opportunity to experience an ancient civilization with all their senses. They will have the opportunity to see an outpouring of the research and knowledge of the older students, whom they already look up to. It provides an opportunity for all the students to join together and interact. Why do we celebrate History Week?
Because it is a celebration of our shared history, our school, and our community. And because it is fun!
Terri Bowden
5th and 6th Grade